Who is Chief?
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Hosack,
Christopher D, USA, Retired
I served for 23 years. I enlisted as Infantry, 11B, Patient Administrator, 91G, Geospatial Engineer, 12Y, and finally, Geospatial Engineer Technician. I retired in July 2021. And I am currently enrolled at the University of Tampa in using the Veterans Readiness and Employment program. Through VR&E, I am currently on track to obtain a BS in Business Management with a follow-on to Law school, pending acceptance.
During all that time, the common phase was "suck it up and drive on" or "take a knee and drink water!" We, military members/veterans, were looked down on for going to sick calls or seeking medical care. We always thought the MISSION came first!
There is a fine line between the mission, your health, and your future. The military is a great way to learn skills for after the military. One skill the military doesn't teach about is Veterans Affairs. Even with taking the Soldier for Life - Transition Assistance Program (SFL-TAP) (I am not sure with the other branches have). Apart from SFL-TAP, I had a VA brief. It was sad, to put it best. And I was sitting in a room full of O-4s and above. The VA rep could not even tell us that you need to have 50% or more in order to receive two checks for retirees. So I said this in class. The VA rep told everyone to listen to what I am saying.
This is why I started this company. To help Veterans navigate the VA. Active Duty, whether retiring or ETSing, I want to help my brothers and sisters. We were never given the information we needed to traverse our last mission in the military. The VA has its own language and way of writing. Just like in the Military, Grunts talk a certain way vs. Intel bubbas. I am here to help! No Veteran left behind!
Fort Lewis, WA - Fort Belvoir, VA - Fort Bliss, TX - Fort Leonard Wood, MO - RAF Molesworth, UK - Fort Stewart, GA - Shaw AFB, SC - RAF Molesworth, UK
FOB Shank, Afghanistan
Too many to count or name.
Awards and Badges
Defense Meritorious Service - Meritorious Service Medal - Joint Service Commendation Medal - Army Commendation Medal x 5 - Army Achievement Medal x 3 - Army Good Conduct Medal x 3 - National Defense Service Medal - Afghanistan Campaign Medal - Global War on Terrorism Service Medal - Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development x 2 - Army Service Ribbon - Overseas Service Ribbon x 3 - NATO Medal x 2 - Multinational Force and Observers Medal - Expert Infantryman Badge - Air Assault - Joint Meritorious Unit Award - Meritorious Unit Commendation